Language Arts Activities


 Subject  Grade Level
SpellingCity Language Arts  1-6 Practice spelling words
Starfall Language Arts  K-5 Reading games & activities
Prefix/Suffix Machine Language Arts  3-6 Put together prefixes, suffixes and root words to make your own words
Crazy Story Machine Language Arts  3-6 Sort of like "Mad Lib." Put in words, and it makes a crazy story out of them. Must know parts of speech!
My Story Maker Language Arts    3-5 Create your own storybook
Comic Creator Language Arts  2-5 Create comic strips easily by selecting from a variety of characters, props and backgrounds and then typing in text
Wacky Web Tales Language Arts  2-5 Fill in a bunch of words and see what kind of story appears!
Parts of Speech Language Arts  4-6 Put words under the correct POS label
Amazing Sentence Machine Language Arts   3-5 Choose words to make silly sentences
Spelling: are, our, hour Language Arts  3-5 Choose the correct word to put in sentences
Super Spelling Language Arts  4-5 Choose the correct words to put in paragraph
Spellits Language Arts   3-5 Animated games to teach spelling
Literacy Center Language Arts   K-1 Very basic language activities
Homophones - There, They're, Their Language Arts   3-5 Can you tell when to use the words there, their, or they're?
Lil Fingers Language Arts  K-2 Online storyboards, coloring pages and games for letter practice
Flip-a-Chip Language Arts  3-5 Strengthen your word inference skills by choosing the correct word to fit in a story
Comic Creator Language Arts  2-5 Create comic strips easily by selecting from a variety of characters, props and backgrounds and then typing in text
Goodnight Stories Language Arts  K-2   Online stories
Power Proofreading Language Arts  3-5 Interactive game where students help the character solve problems by proofreading
Guys Read Language Arts  K-12 Helps boys find books they'll enjoy
SlimeKids Language Arts  1-6 Language Arts and typing games
Dance Mat Typing Typing  1-5 Typing program
Super Hyper Spider Typer Typing  1-6 Typing program - destroy the lizards!
KeyMan Typing  1-5 Typing program - like Pacman
Alpha Attack Typing  1-5 Typing program - intercept falling bombs
Letters Fall Typing  K-2  Type the letters as they fall
Bookflix  Language Arts                K-6  Online books (must have public library card number to log in)
cookie Language Arts  PreK - 1 Various language arts games
Arcademics Multiple subjects  1-6  Games on multiple subjects