Science Activities

 Subject  Grade Level
Starchild Science  4-6 Lessons from NASA about space
Exploratorium Science  4-6 View all the cool science stuff in an excellent science museum! Includes activities and movies.
Celestia Science  3-6 This is a program you have to download off the web. It's a 3D space simulation, and a very accurate model of the solar system.
Kids Health Science  2-6 Lots of stuff about health
Yuckiest Site on the Internet Science  3-6 Warning! Can definitely get yucky!
How Stuff Works Science  3-6 Lots of great articles, but ads too.
Sci-Zone Science   3-6 Science website with awesome activities
Cloud Designer Science   K-1 Students design a cloud and watch it move across the sky
Catapult Simulation Science  5-6 Students alter the design of a catapult in this physics simulation
Physics Games
 Science  1-6 Various games demonstrating physics concepts
National Geographic Kids Animals  Science  K-6 Links to info, activities and videos about various animals
Wonderville  Science  1-9 Games, videos and activities
cookie  Science  PreK-1 Games, activities and lesson plans
FossWeb grades K-2   Science  K-2 Various science activities
FossWeb grades 3-6  Science  3-6 Various science activities
Scholastic weather page  Science  2-4 Articles about weather
Forces & motion games  Science  2-6 Various games for forces & motion
Skateboard Park  Science  2-6 Design a skateboard path
Rollercoaster Designer  Science  2-6 Design a rollercoaster path
PhET Science Simulations      Science  6 Interactive science simulations
Earth's core - National Geographic  Science  3-6  Information about the earth's core
Earth's layers  Science  3-6 Information about the layers of the earth
NeoKids  Science  K-6 Various science videos and activities