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Academic Support

Parent and Guardian Concern Flow Chart

At Kendrick Lakes Elementary School (KLES), we take any issues that are brought to our attention seriously. When concerns are raised, you can expect to be treated with courtesy and respect as we work together to resolve the matter. Relationships matter to us, and we know that without an authentic, respectful, caring partnership between us, meaningful learning cannot take place.

Please follow the KLES Concern Flow Chart to contact the school for academic questions or needs. 


Our Integrated, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

At KLES, we recognize and value that each student learns uniquely and develops within their own pacing. We make every effort to better serve all our students and families through the implementation of a systemic, transparent framework in which data-based decision-making is practiced in order to increase outcomes for each and every student. This framework is the “way of doing business at KLES” which utilizes high-quality evidence-based instructional strategies, intervention, and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives what they need both academically or behaviorally in order to meet or exceed grade level expectations.

Our Core Academic Programming

At KLES, we maintain high expectations for student learning by addressing the Colorado State Standards through hands-on, authentic, integrated learning techniques. Students engage daily in talking, listening, reading and writing to create authentic products for genuine audiences to make their learning relevant and purposeful.

  • Our literacy program focuses specifically on the five components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. While we integrate all these components into our literacy blocks, we systematically and explicitly teach and monitor each component as our students develop as readers, thinkers, and writers. Our core literacy resource is Houghton Mifflin's Into Reading and our reading skills block is supplemented using Heggerty Phonemic Awareness and Lexia Core 5 online resource. Our literacy intervention for students needing additional layers of support and practice is Really Great Reading and 95% Reading Group.
  • Our writing program is connected to core literacy instruction and explicitly teaches students to write in many genres and forms within the writing process while focusing on spelling and grammar skills. We utilize HMH Into Reading resources to teach writing.
  • Our math program focuses on developing confident, strategic and fluent mathematicians. We use direct instruction, inquiry and problem solving lesson designs to engage students in rich math experiences connected to real world applications. Students also focus on deep number sense application through computational fluency and precision in problem solving. Our core resource for math is Illustrative Mathematics. We supplement our math skills by using MAP Accelerator.
  • For all other content areas including Art, Music and PE, we use our district curriculum and pacing guides that are aligned to state standards as well as a variety of tangible resources and online programs/applications.

In order to respond to the varying needs of our students, we use a variety of assessment screeners and tools to monitor achievement and growth. These tools are administered throughout the year to formatively enhance core instruction as well as intervention needs. Some of the main assessment tools we use at Kendrick Lakes are TS Gold (PK), DIBELS 8 (K-3), Measures of Academic Progress-MAP (K-5) and our core curriculum assessments. Like all schools in Colorado, we assess 3rd-5th grade standards through Colorado Measures of Academic Success-CMAS each Spring.